Jan Brosky is a trendy scarf designer who decided that after more than 25 successful years in the banking industry, it was time to turn her hobby of knitting into a business venture. So, in 2004, she did just that, dubbing her unique accessories collection Knit to be Tied. Her hand knit Classic Scarves, Trendy Ties, and Scarflets are fun, whimsical, and bold. Much different from the pot holders her Granny taught her to knit more than 40 years ago! Each scarf is both unique and reflective of the creator’s infectious personality and style. Most scarves are one of a kind.
A native of Plattsburgh, Pennsylvania, Jan and her family moved from Tampa, Florida to New England in 1986. She currently resides in Highgate Springs, Vermont with her high school sweetheart, Vern, and airline pilot. They are the proud parents of two grown sons and two precious granddaughters. Jan’s other hobbies include traveling, photography, freelance writing, and gardening.
“Knitting is a link to my heritage. I knit because I’m addicted. It relaxes my mind and keeps me focused on the moment while providing instant, tangible gratification. Being a type-A personality, I find knitting very therapeutic in that my hands are moving as quickly as my mind. For me, knitting is all about stress reduction and relaxation. I can’t not knit.”